Summer Holiday Homework- 2020- 2021


Holiday Homework is an opportunity to spend quality time together. Time for strengthening family bond.

Let your child take the lead and use his imagination, creativity and knowledge to do assigned task.

Dear students look for interesting books and read as much as you can. Follow the guide lines given by me to complete your task and activities.

WEEK- 1 - 25th May 2020 - 29th May 2020

ENGLISH- Practice worksheet on Nouns, jumbled words and sentences, compound words, opposites.
( worksheet is uploaded on the Redox)

MATHS- Activity Time on ( Expansion) follow the given instructions.
E.V.S- Drawing  and  Coloring  fun worksheet  Lesson  1 and 2  ( Uploaded on Redox )

WEEK-2 - 1st June 2020 - 5th June 2020

ENGLISH- Fun activity. (look for the correct spelling in each box and colour) The same has been uploaded on the Redox. - 

Practice worksheet on expansion, place value, mental math and comparing numbers is uploaded on the Redox.

E.V.S-  Worksheet on Parts of  the Plants . ( Uploaded on Redox )

WEEK- 3 - 8th June 2020 - 12th June 2020

ENGLISH- Practice worksheet on Punctuation, Subject and Predicate, Fill in the blanks. (worksheet uploaded on the Redox)

MATHS-Worksheet on Ordinals, Odd and Even is uploaded on the Redox

E.V.S-   In  a Scrape Book , past the political map of India . Choose any five states and shade them on a map . ( Pencil colors  only )    Collect  information  about the culture of these five status in the  following  sequence also paste the  pictures  related 

1) Name of the State

2) Capital

3) Food

4) Dance

5) Famous Monuments

6) Language spoken

7) Costume

WEEK - 4  15th June 2020 - 19th June 2020

ENGLISH - Creative writing - The same has been uploaded on Redox.

MATHS - (Crossword on addition facts, Abacus) The same has been uploaded on the Redox.

E.V.S (Worksheet on Photosynthesis) The same has been uploaded on Redox

WEEK - 5  22nd June 2020 - 26th June 2020

(Fun Activity)

MATHS - Worksheet on addition word problem, vertical and horizontal sums, forming greatest and smallest number. (The worksheet has been uploaded on the Redox). 

E.V.S -- ( Activity )

Make  a Pop - up Card for  any person in essential service.

INSTRUCTIONS - By using natural things make a pop card for any person in essential service. Boys you have learned about lot Natural  Things in Lesson - 1 , 2 and 3 .
Procedure - Take a leaf and a flower. Keep them in a book for 2 or 3 days to dry. Use this dry leaf and a dry flower to make an attractive Pop up card. Now your Pop up card id ready. In this, write a beautiful thank you message appreciating the person in essential service. Keep the card safely and show it to your friends and teachers when you come back to school.

Dear Student's i wish you tons of happiness, joy and fun while you all are on your summer vacation. 
                           Stay Home! Stay Safe and continue to learn new things.
                                          God Bless each one of you and family.


  1. Yes ma'am Lavnay Saini 3 C Roll No

  2. Yes ma'am Lavnay Saini 3 C Roll No 33

  3. Yes Ma'am
    Anuraj Kumar
    Class 3 C
    Roll No. 15

  4. Panshul Praveen Sen-3c


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